

Here's an interesting looking fellow, and again with the floating eye... As if he weren't funny looking enough, poor guy was a red-head... Like a young Carrot-top



Corey from Airbrush T-shirts... That is all



I did this sketch while one of my co-workers (you know who you are you handsome S.O.B.) was drawing her caricature, one of those "Draw Me Pretty" types, even though drawing her attractive in any way is straight up lie...

P.S. Her eyes were really far apart



Here was a nice and cheery kid-no idea what horrible things were to come.... Working in this place will surely crush his soul, leaving him an empty shell for many years to come.... Poor Kid



Typical hunch back girl slouching back, making her little belly seem bigger than it is, hiding behind her oversized glasses...



This girl looks like Cousin It walking on stilts... She always has a wide faced smile on though, which is nice to see...